- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This programme is specially designed to score good marks in civil services mains examination. Aspirants can Improve their answer writing skills to join this course of Adhyayan IAS Academy www.adhyayanias.com . The important feature of this course is following.
- Focus on effective content of of answer with crystal clear concept.
- Question of this course/programme will be strictly according to latest pattern of union public service commission and other state Public service Commission.
- Daily two question will be given to Aspirants to write their answer of General Studies and Optional subjects.
- The format of question paper are according to question paper of UPSC.
- There are total Eight question in the mains optional question paper but in our programme The question paper have two question with equal weightage according to full length question paper of Optional Subjects.
- this is same for all general studies question papers
- The words limits of each question are mension opposite of each question.
- There are complete guideline to Enrolled condidate about the answer writing programme.
- this is intensive programme of 150 days that will be end on sep 10, 2021 before CSE main 2021.
- This programme cover all four paper of General studies with optional subject .
- we offer two Optional subject in this programme. these are Political science and Geography .
- This programme cover more than four hundreds topic of General studies.
- this programme cover more than 200 important topic of Optional subject .
- Question are relevent and follow latest pattern of UPSC/CSE .
- Our team is best team and dedicate to provide Best answer writing materal that help to high marks in civil exam.
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