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UPSC Syllabus: Preliminary Examination: Current events of national and international importance Mains Examination: GS-II: International Relations Importance of News and its relevancy The number of undocumented Indians crossing over from Canada to the US on foot has reached an all-time high.This spike has placed Canada’s visa screening process under the lens — more so, due […]
Introduction AC is defined as alternating current due to bidirectional flow and representing by Sinusoidal current because of sine function . we just giving few important questions related to ac .1 In a light bulb connected to an ac source the instantaneous current is zero two times in each cycle of the current. Why does […]
Part- I Constitution of India Sub Part- I (B) (Parliament); Executive 6 (a) parliament: (union) Structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers and concerned issues 7 (a) Structure, organization and functioning of executive ministries and department of government Parliament (Chapter II Art 79-122) Structure (Art 79) Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha President Lok Shabha (Art 81) 530 […]