Constitutional Development in India Constitution: Constitution is the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it. It is a written instrument embodying the rules of a political or social organization. It is a method […]
प्रश्न 1. आईआरसीटीसी द्वारा कौनसी नई बुकिंग सुविधा की शुरूआत की गई है ? उत्तर – बस बुकिंग प्रश्न 2. किसने दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा रेडियो टेलीस्कोप की स्थापना की मंजूरी दी है ? उत्तर – SKAO प्रश्न 3. किस देश ने एशिया-प्रशांत आर्थिक सहयोग नामक व्यापार समूह की बैठक की अध्यक्षता की है […]
डेयरी इन्वेस्टमेंट ऐक्सेलरेटर: यह क्या है? पशुपालन एवं डेयरी विभाग (डीएएचडी), भारत सरकार ने डेयरी क्षेत्र में निवेश को बढ़ावा देने और उसे सुगम बनाने को ध्यान में रखते हुए,अपने निवेश सुविधा प्रकोष्ठ के अंतर्गत डेयरी इन्वेस्टमेंट ऐक्सेलरेटर की स्थापना की है। मुख्य कार्य: निवेश अवसरों के मूल्यांकन के लिए विशिष्ट जानकारी प्रदान करना सरकारी […]
The scheme was launched in 2014 for providing improved visitor amenities, especially for the physically challenged. The scheme comes under the Ministry of Culture. A total of 100 Monuments protected by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) are being developed and maintained as Adarsh Monuments under the scheme. The civic amenities are being augmented at […]
Nearly one Thousand copper object have been found in hoards from almost 90 location in various part of India. The largest hoard from Gungeria in Madhya Pradesh comprises 424 pieces of copper objects and 102 thin sheet of silver. The main type of objects are various kinds of celts , harpoons, antennae sward , rings […]
Q.1. What is the new name of the High Court of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh? Ans. Jammu and Kashmir High Court Q.2. Which Kovid vaccination campaign has been launched by the state of Kerala for pregnant women? Ans. Mother Cover Q.3. Which company will launch the biggest IPO of up […]
Q.1.In which state NTPC Limited has announced to set up India’s largest solar park soon? Ans. Gujarat Q.2. Which country has become the first country to administer the third dose of corona vaccine? Ans. Israel Q.3. Which day is celebrated all over the world on 15th July? Ans. World Youth Skills Day Q.4. Which country […]
UP’ s New Population Policy Why in news? Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister launched the State’s population policy for 2021-2030. Also, draft of the Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilisation and Welfare) Bill, 2021 was published earlier. What are the key features of the policy? The new policy aims to achieve the following targets: decrease the Total […]
प्रश्न 1. वेस्टइंडीज के विस्फोटक बल्लेबाज क्रिस गेल T20 क्रिकेट में कितने हजार रन बनाने वाले पहले बल्लेबाज बन गए हैं ? उत्तर – 14 हजार रन प्रश्न 2. भारत के किस राज्य में देश के पहले क्रिप्टोगैमिक गार्डन का उद्धाटन किया गया है ? उत्तर – उत्तराखंड प्रश्न 3. कौनसा केंद्र शासित प्रदेश सभी […]
PRELIMINARY 1. Which day is celebrated all over the world on 13th June? Ans. French fries day 2. Which female player has won the Wimbledon Tennis Grand Slam title by winning the women’s singles final? Ans. Ashleigh barty 3. British billionaire Richard Branson has become which billionaire to fly in space? Ans. First 4. Indian […]