- December 9, 2023
- Posted by: Sushil Pandey
- Category: Daily Blogs Free Resources
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- Farsi literature was developed in Mughal duration. All Mughal emperors were educated in spite of Akbar and all provided help in literature growth. He had written his biography ‘Tujk e-Baburi’ and ‘Baburnama’ in Turkey. Babur wrote poetry in Turkey and Farsi. His composition collection ‘diwan’ was very famous.
- The second important work in Farsi was—many other language books were translated in Farsi. In the books of Sanskrit ‘Mahabharata’ transalated in Farsi by Nakib Khan, Badayuni,Abul Fazal and Faiji.
- The Adilshahi rulers of Bijapur of South provide more protection to Farsi. In the court of Ibrahim Adilshah II many poets were collected from North India and Asia.
- Sanskrit was not the main language of court in Medieval India. Mughal and Dara type prince gave protection to Sanskrit scholars. But there was no importance.
- There were many south Indian languages like Tamil, Telugu, Maliyalam, in which this time literature was composed.
- Manumanchi Bhatt composed Hathlakshad in 16th century. There was horse and his training was described in it. In 17th century after the down fall of Vijaynagar, Telugu literature gave protection to Galiketa, Nellu, Siddhvatam, Jinji, Tanjaur and Madura. Siddhvatam wrote Kakushvijayam (1590-1660 A.D.). Pushpgiri of Nellor translated Bhrathari toNitishatak. Raghunath Nayak and Od Tanjore wrote a phrase work named Valmik Charitram.
- Being the hardwork of Abul Fazal, ‘Akbarnama’ came in existence in three parts. In first part there is the description of Himayun and his ancient, in second part there is description of the arrangement of Akbar and in the third part of Akbarnama had been described the sub title of ‘Ain-e-Akbari’.
- Mughal emperors were interested in making buildings. At the time of Shahjahan many buildings were constructed, which were samples of architecture art.
- The first building constructed in the reign of Akbar is Humayun ka Makabara in Delhi. It was made by the stepmother of Akbar on getting the services of Persian artist Meeran Mirza Gias. There is an effect of Persian art on it. The art of this building of long necked tomb can be compared with Timur and Bibi Khanam ka Makbara in Samarkand.
- First Mughal emperor was interested to make buildings and he found that the wage was very cheap. At his time thousands of labours constructed many buildings on Agra, Dhaulpur, Biyana etc. place. Babur was more impressed to see buildings made by king Man Singh and king Vikramaditya. He can understand many demerits of experts in that.
- Akbar had no role in constructing the tomb of Himayun. The building constructed after that has the mark of Akbar’s idea and personality. Agra, Lahore and Allahabad fort is constructed at the time of Akbar, and many buildings were constructed on them and in the city of Fatehpur Sikri and many buildings were constructed.
- Jahangir was interested to plant garden in place of architecture art. But some buidings were constructed at his time. In spite of that, architecture took new turn at that time. The use of white marbles and more designs which reached to top at the time of Shahjahan, was started at the time of Jahangir.
- Mughal architecture art reached on top at the time of Shahjahan. Use of white marbles and costly stones became the speciality of his time.
- The great building constructed in remembrance of his wife. It was completed in 22 years with the cost of 9 crores.
- The inter-provincial business was done by the way of sea because of the absence of sources of fast speed and long distance, in this many coastal areas were involved. The coast business on the west coast was more flexible, and many business activities were done on east coast.
- Aurangzeb had no interest in architecture art. There was not any building constructed in his time. There was only one building at his time named Badshahi Mosque, it was constructed for the personal use because it was so small.
- According to Abul Fazal, ‘Emperor Akbar planned beautiful buildings and by the idea of heart and mind gave the form of stone.
- On the level of language Telugu is related with Tamil and Kannada but its literal standards are based on Sanskrit.
- In that duration Rajput art style of Rajasthan was developed in the protection of different Rajput rulers. Mewar, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Bundi, Kota and Bikaner were the main centres of art. Rajput arts were already involved in the protection of those kingdoms, mainly large figure tradition was involved already.
- Barniyar Fransis came India in 17th century, he told that every village purchased rice, butter, milk, vegetable and sugar. Even in many villages sheep, goat and cock were available.
- The interprovincial trade was more developed in India. To see the expenditure of travel we can say that the result of interprovincial business was very high. The things were taken away one place to another place and even thousand miles.
- In comparision of export, import was limited in India. Mainly silver was imported.
- Abul Fazal was born in 1550 A.D. He was the son of Sheikh Mubarak. He started his life with 20 Manasabs and being eligible became the Mansabdar of 5,000 savar. He had knowledge of literature, History and Philosophy. He composed Akbarnama and ‘Ain-e-Akbari’.

Sushil kumar pandey is Director of Adhyayan IAS Academy. He has the vast experience in teaching and content making in the field of civil services exam preparation , Academic , Scholarship exam and all other examination.