THIS VIDEO LECTURE CONTAINS THE DETAILS ANALYSIS OF IAS SYLLABUS OF GS-I .THIS IS VERY HELPFULL FOR UPSC|IAS CANDIDATES AND STATE PCS CANDIDATE SPECIALLY UPPCS. THIS LECTURE HAVE DETAILS EXPLANATION OF HISTORY OF INDIA FROM ANCIENT TO MEDIEVAL. THE IAS SYLLABUS COVERS THE FOLLOWING ART FORM , LITERATURE FORM , ARCHITECT FORM OF ALL REGIME. Part-I History of India (Culture) [A] (i) Ancient (ii) Medieval (iii) Modern (1757 to 1947) & (1947-1965) (i) Ancient History of India Cover Art Form Coma Literature and Architecture a) Harappan culture (Bronze age) b) Urbanization of the Indus valley c) Identity of Aryan culture d) The age of the Rig Veda e) The later Vedic Period f) Jainism and Buddhism g) States Structure and the Varna system h) The Maurya Age * Ashokan inscription (Art form) (i) Major rock edicts (ii) Minor rock edicts (iii) Separate rock edicts (iv) Major rock edicts (v) Minor pillar edicts *Literature Art and Architecture * Stone Masonry * Material culture (i) Central Asian contact and mutual impact • Structure and pottery better cavalry *Literature • Gandhara and Mathura school of art (j) The Satavana Phase • Material culture
Sushil kumar pandey is Director of Adhyayan IAS Academy. He has the vast experience in teaching and content making in the field of civil services exam preparation , Academic , Scholarship exam and all other examination.